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Ah dating! It can feel so discouraging at times, right? You want a relationship but it isn’t happening the way you want or when you want and maybe there are even times it feels like it may never happen.Â
This can lead to a whole lot of discouragement.Â
And, I get it because I didn’t marry until my late 40s even though I wanted to marry much sooner.Â
Keeping the right attitude and mindset can help battle discouragement.Â
So, on today’s episode, I’m going to give you 4 Mindset Shifts (or perspectives) you can adopt to stay hopeful and positive while you’re putting yourself out there.Â
These are 4 Mindset Shifts to Overcome Dating Discouragement.Â
Maybe you’re thinking, “Shana, there is no reason to be hopeful when your dreams aren’t coming to pass.” I get it.Â
Keep this in mind: Keeping the right attitude is much better than being miserable and you can do everything better with the right mindset, not just dating. That goes for everything in life.Â
And, since we’re talk...
Hey there, single lady!
I often talk with women who say they're interested in a relationship, but they are afraid. They're afraid that they don't have what it takes to make a relationship work. They’re afraid they’re not ready to date . . . and they wonder if they can have a happy, healthy relationship.
If this describes you, you’re in the right place, friend, because today I am going to share questions you can ask yourself to identify your readiness to date.Â
I also have a freebie I want to share with you, it’s the “Ready to Date Checklist” and it contains 30 questions to help you ask yourself if you're ready to date. And it will give you a lot of food for thought about your motivations for dating to identify what you want in your dating life going forward.Â
Unfortunately, I do not have the time to cover all of those today so I'm just choosing four of those to get that freebie, head on over to singleover30.net/checklist.
Here’s a glance at this episode:
What do you do if you can’t ever seem feel emotionally safe and confident in dating relationships or even when you are just getting to know men or a particular man?Â
What do you do if you are often emotionally triggered and as a result you just shut down, quiet down, and pull away from men who might even be good guys?Â
How can you feel more emotionally safe, confident—and even loved in a special relationship or while dating? Â
In this episode of the Single Over 30 podcast, I answer these questions.Â
Remember, the dream you have to love--and be loved--is possible!Â
Your coach,Â
I often speak with many wonderful single women who tell me they don't want to waste time in their dating life.
If you can relate, I get it.Â
After all, you're ready for a serious relationship that leads to commitment, so you don't want to waste time with men and in relationships that aren't going to go anywhere. That totally makes sense.Â
However, I have an important question for you. . . Â
Is it possible to waste time if you are adamant about not wasting time?
In this episode, I share how this can absolutely happen--and it happens all the time with the women I coach, and how it happened to me too.Â
This is a definite listen if you want to purposeful in your dating and relationship life and you want to improve your opportunities to find a trustworthy, marriage-minded man.Â
I hope you are encouraged by this practical episode.
Here’s a glance at this episode:
How to Not Waste Time on Dating?
Picture this. You meet a man, go out with him an...
Women often tell me that they can't find anyone that they are attracted to, and that they can't find any men anywhere that they would be interested in dating. In today's episode, I'm sharing one major reason that singles often don't meet one another and don't find anyone that they are attracted to. (This is something I did in my own life, so I get it.)
I hope you are encouraged!
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why do I keep attracting men who won't be good to me or for me?" or "Why are Red Flag men drawn to me?"
If you answered yes, then this episode of the Single Over 30 podcast is for you! In it, I share 8 perspectives that can make even the best woman allow toxic, emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unhealthy men into her life.
This is a great episode because it's designed to help you see any dating blind spots that you might have. I hope you are encouraged!
To set up your free, 30-minute Breakthrough Session, visit the homepage and click on "Coaching" on the top menu. During your free session, I'll help you overcome your biggest dating and relationship obstacle at no charge.
I'm rooting for you! Your coach, Shana Schutte
One of the challenging things about dating and meeting men, is that it can be difficult at times to tell who is sincere about having a relationship with you and who isn't. And, it can be challenging to know which men are safe or unsafe, especially at the beginning of a relationship when you're just getting to know a man.
In today's episode, I share about one type of man who seems like he's Mister Right, but who could be Mister Wrong. And, I give you tools to decide if you should keep him around or cut him loose.
As you listen, remember that you are worthy of love, that you are worthy of being cherished--and that the dream you have to love--and be loved--is possible!
If you'd like to find out if you're a good fit for one-on-one coaching with me, visit shanaschuttecoaching.com. If you'd like more free dating and relationship advice, visit singleover30.net. I look forward to helping you more on your dating and relationship journey!Â
I'm rooting for you!Â
Shana Schutte
Manipulation. . .it's not a pretty word.
No one wants to be manipulated but there are times when we may not see that we're being manipulated in a romantic relationship because things get kind of confusing when you're interested in a man, right?
In this episode, I share 7 ways to tell if a man is manipulating you. Even if you're not in a relationship now, you definitely want to put the truths in this episode in your "dating toolbox" so that you can be more empowered when you meet men or get into a relationship with a man.
This isn't about bashing men; it's about being empowered so that you can recognize the men who won't be good to you or for you so you're ready for a man who will love and adore you.
Be encouraged! The dream you have to love and be loved is possible!
I'm rooting for you!
P.S. To set up a free Breakthrough Session with me where I will help you overcome your biggest dating and relationship obstacle, just click here to fill out a short form and then choos...
You're getting "out there" and you meet men who have been divorced. Maybe you even meet a man or two who are divorced, but they haven't been divorced long. How long should a man wait before dating so that you can feel confident about his readiness? In this episode, my husband, Clark, and I answer the question, "How Long Should a Man Wait After Divorce to Date?" I hope you are encouraged.
To find out if one-on-one coaching is a good fit for you, click to set up a free, 30-minute Breakthrough Session with me. The dream you have to love--and be loved--is possible!
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For a chance for your question to be answered in a vlog or blog, send it to: [email protected] with "QUESTION" in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you!