Meet a Quality Man Who Shares Your Values Using My Proven, 4-Step Online Dating Strategy

(In 6 months or less without settling)


-with Dating and Relationship Coach, Shana Schutte


Meet a Quality Man Who Shares Your Values Using My Proven, 4-Step Online Dating Strategy

(In 6 months or less without settling)

-with Dating and Relationship Coach, Shana Schutte


You May Have Seen Me In  

In this free training, you'll discover. . .  

✔ What WORKS AND DOESN'T WORK ONLINE and HOW TO AVOID THE BIGGEST MISTAKES women make online that keep them from finding a great relationship with a quality man.

✔ How to get MORE CONVERSATIONS and IN-PERSON DATES with quality men.

✔ How to develop a GREAT MINDSET so you’re ready to meet a fantastic man for a committed relationship (rather than dreading getting online.)

✔ How to AVOID WASTING TIME texting and messaging that doesn’t go anywhere and that instead leads to burnout and ghosting.

✔ How to AVOID THE BIGGEST PROFILE WRITING MISTAKES  (that many women unknowingly make) that TURN MEN OFF.

✔ How to SEND FIRST MESSAGES that make for a great conversation—and that invite a man to reach back and . . . 

 ✔ You’ll become MORE CONFIDENT through this easy-to-implement, 25-minute training.

If You’re a Single-Over-30 Woman Who is Interested in Finding a Committed Relationship with a Quality Man Who Adores You, You're in the Right Place! 


Perhaps, like me, you thought that finding “the one” would just happen.
As the years have rolled by, maybe you’ve become discouraged. (I get it. I've totally been there.)
But the desire to find a man who loves you hasn’t lessened, and now you're ready to take action to do something about spending your weekends alone.
Be encouraged! Love can happen at ANY AGE with some encouragement, the right mindset, and the right dating strategy.  

Sometimes it can feel like there aren’t any good man anywhere. But that’s simply not true

Studies show that there are over 23 million single men who are dating online—and that 60 percent of them are looking for a committed relationship! That means IT'S NOT ABOUT LUCK AND IT'S NOT ABOUT WISHING AND HOPING YOU COULD FIND A QUALITY MAN.  You need a PROVEN STRATEGY to attract the right men and weed out the wrong men. I can help you do that in my FREE TRAINING.  



From "Afraid to Date" to "I Do!" 

"I needed more than therapy. I needed someone who had been there, who could help me get dates with quality men and find a great guy!
Thank you, Shana!" 


-Anne, 36


Never-married and 53, she met a great guy and tied the knot

You really helped me get through some major roadblocks. There were obstacles in my way I hadn’t even been aware of. 

-Lori, 53

Getting more face-to-face conversations in  just two weeks

"This is the first time that I have been intentional about [finding someone.] My goal was to have 5 video calls [with men]. I actually had six, and I went on a date!"

-Megan, 41

More self-confidence and recognizing red flags

Thank you for being a great sounding board and encouraging me to trust my intuitive nature and listen to the red flags!

-Angie, 62

Never in a serious relationship, and now she's a Mrs!

I am so appreciative. I would have reacted totally differently if I hadn’t worked with you. . . my feelings were telling me to protect myself rather than giving me truth. 

-Gina, 44


Will You Be Our Next Success Story?

Love happened for me in my forties.It can happen for you too!

Like a lot of single women,  I THOUGHT GETTING MARRIED WOULD JUST HAPPEN, kind of like graduating from kindergarten or getting my highschool diploma. 
Bit it didn't happen that way at all.
And when it didn’t, I experienced some pretty painful and confusing emotions. (Maybe you can relate.)

I had been praying for years for someone special to come into my life. (Maybe you can relate to this, too!)

I grieved not having children and my story not turning out the way I expected. (And. . . maybe this makes you say, "I get it!")

But something interesting started happening after I (finally!) tied the knot in my early forties. Single women like you started reaching out to me to ask me for relationship advice.

While speaking with women, I realized that I had made so many mistakes that kept me stuck in what I call “The dating culdesac” and in non-productive dating cycles that weren’t helping me move any closer to the wedding altar.
I’ve been in your single shoes. I know what it's like to wrestle with prolonged singleness and desire to be loved. 
I honestly can't think of a more fulfilling mission. 

I want to be your champion by helping you find that committed relationship that you have dreamed of. It's possible with a little encouragement and the right strategy. 

Shana Schutte

Love happened for me in my forties. It can happen for you too!

I married when I was 46.
Like a lot of single women, I THOUGHT GETTING MARRIED WOULD JUST HAPPEN, kind of like graduating from kindergarten or getting my high school diploma.

But it didn’t happen that way at all.

And when it didn’t, I experienced some pretty painful and confusing emotions. (Maybe you can relate.)

I had been praying for years for someone special to come into my life. (Maybe you can relate to this, too!)

I grieved not having children and my story not turning out the way I expected. (And. . . maybe this makes you say, "I get it!")

But something interesting started happening after I (finally!) tied the knot in my early forties. Single women like you started reaching out to me to ask me for relationship advice.

While speaking with women, I realized that I had made so many mistakes that kept me stuck in what I call “The dating culdesac” and in non-productive dating cycles that weren’t helping me move any closer to the wedding altar.
I’ve been in your single shoes. I know what it's like to wrestle with prolonged singleness and desire to be loved. 
I honestly can't think of a more fulfilling mission. 

I want to be your champion by helping you find that committed relationship that you have dreamed of. It can happen with  encouragement and the right strategy. 

Your Coach, 
Shana Schutte

When I finally learned how to productively date after dating the wrong way for over two decades, I felt liberated!

For the first time, I felt seen and cherished and heard. I wasn’t overwhelmed and confused. I was done with feeling insecure, and I was done dating men who weren’t good to me or for me. 

How I wished that I would have had someone to answer my questions during messy relationships and confusing feelings.  I really wish someone would have taught me how to identify–and attract–a trustworthy, marriage-minded man. 

I wish I would have known how to invite a man to pursue me online, get more dates, more conversations and how to tell if a man was serious, what to do when a man ghosted me, what I should feel about chemistry, and a million other things. Dating was so confusing, especially after 30. But it didn’t have to be. I want to be your champion. I want to help you overcome your biggest dating or relationship obstacles that are keeping you stuck where you don’t want to be by teaching you my, proven 4-step online dating strategy.

Check out the
Single Over 30 Podcast to get practical info for finding a trustworthy, marriage-minded man.